by snowdon | Feb 16, 2016 | French
HISTOIRE RÉSUMÉE DE SNOWDON Comme il s’agit de notre premier blogue, je trouve approprié de vous présenter une brève histoire de notre entreprise. En 1972, Gerry Boyer a eu l’idée d’ouvrir un magasin de moteurs. Il a proposé à son beau-frère Ted LeBlanc de se lancer...
by snowdon | Feb 16, 2016 | French
POURQUOI UTILISER SEULEMENT DES PIÈCES ET DES MOTEURS ÉLECTRIQUES APPROUVÉS PAR SNOWDON 1. Chez Snowdon, nous vendons uniquement des moteurs électriques et des pièces que nous serions prêts à utiliser dans nos propres maisons. 2. Pourquoi installer un moteur...
by snowdon | Feb 16, 2016 | Snowdon HVAC
Snowdon Approved electric motors and Snowdon Approved products 1. Snowdon Approved electric motors only sells electric motors and products that we would trust to install in our own homes. 2.Would you install an electric motor that was designed with its sole purpose to...
by snowdon | Feb 10, 2016 | Snowdon HVAC
History of Snowdon HVAC Since this is our first blog, I felt it appropriate to start with a brief history of our company. Way back in 1972 Gerry Boyer had this idea to start a motor shop, he approached Ted LeBlanc, his brother in law, about starting a company...